Producing long-running reports

Sometimes there's a need to produce reports that take more to produce than any sensible HTTP load balancer would allow (say, Heroku's 30 seconds limitation).

Usually, we'd overcome it by spawning another machine (worker). It would handle the long-running tasks we hand off to it and won't be subject to HTTP request-response cycle time limitations.

While being a generally preferred approach, I don't necessarily enjoy it. It comes with its share of complexities, such as having more components to keep track of: worker, message broker, result broker and storage for the produced reports.

An alternative approach I suggest would be to stream the response bits as they are being produced. Then limitations become much more manageable: you have to send the first byte before 30 seconds, each next chunk has 55 seconds to be produced (source)

Here is how you would implement it with Django:

import csv
import time
import io
from django.http import StreamingHttpResponse

def streaming_csv_view(request):
    def data():
        for i in range(30):
            yield f"Row {i}\n"  # yield results as they are produced
            time.sleep(2)  # simulate non-instant generation
    response = StreamingHttpResponse(data(), content_type="text/csv")
    response['Content-Disposition'] = 'attachment; filename="report.csv"'
    return response

Note that if you're using GUnicorn as your server, you'd need to switch to asynchronous workers ( if you were using sync workers before):
gunicorn django_app.wsgi -k gevent